Thursday, September 6, 2007
How was it in the Past - Reinstate...
Then you have to check out the curtain raiser video for Vista 2K6.
Vista - 2006
How was it in the Past?
Let us then just walk you through what Vista stood for in its previous versions, and lets start with the Vista 2K5.
Vista - 2005
But thats not the end of it, there is loads of it yet to come, so do keep hanging around!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Poster Rolling Session at IIM B
Poster Rolling Session
These were then sent to various colleges throughout the country. More to follow soon!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Bzzwings the B Plan Contest
Bzzwings, the business plan contest
Bzzwings is an open theme contest and an unprecedented opportunity for budding entrepreneurs. One of the flagship events at
Manifestations - The Paper Presentation Contest
Manifestations, the paper presentation contest
As a part of Vista 2007, we bring you Manifestations, the paper presentation contest in association with Capgemini. Manifestations is arguably the best platform for unveiling your contributions to management thought across six disciplines – Marketing, Finance, Economics & Social Sciences, Telecommunications, Strategy and Operations.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Logo - Vista 2K7

Rediscover : Businesses today have to Rediscover their markets. The whole world is growing at a very rapid pace. Things are changing while this article is being written, and it is simply not done, if a company says "I am going to do business the good old way". It may not be long before that business gets eaten up. Learn to ReDiscover.
Redefine : This would mean that companies have to sit up and think if the targets they have set for themselves are in fact achievable or on the other hand, very modest. Given the completely changing business scene, it is now just not enough if a company has a "10% increase in profits every year" as its motto.
Refocus : A question that every manager has to ask is, "Am I focusing my energies in the right direction?". While Focus helps channelize efforts, Refocusing would help find where to Focus. The whole world is thrown wide open and businesses today have options of manufacturing in one country, selling in another, financing in another and maintaining their information in another. Is it time then to Refocus?
To cut the story short, the logo represents the need for companies to ReBusiness
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Vista 2K7
If you are a manager, you may ask, “How do I redefine my targets so as to maximize my profits?”
You may also think about “How do I rediscover new markets?